Thursday, December 30, 2010

i reaaaallllly want to update my blog but donno where should i start..never mind..maybe next time..teehee~~ *bikin panas kan??* haha...too many things in my head rite now..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

'belated' RaYa

hari ni dah 14 zulhijjah,bermaksud berakhir la sudah hari raya Aidiladha 1431 dan dah tak boleh bertakbir lagi..n aku baru nak buat entry psl raya..haha..xpa kan???who cares??muahaha

anyway, i didnt take any leave for this dedicated this particular chambering student *ada nada riak disitu :p*haha kiddin' ... yang sebenarnya tak amik cuti sbb x blk kg n mmg takde apa2 plan utk, why should i??plus, i have to keep my cuti la. who knows that we might need that leave for emergency, right?? btw, for chambering student, takde quota utk cuti pon sebenarnya, klu amik cuti kitaorg kena ganti cuti tu.maksudnya 9 bln chambering tu kena full, xleh kurang even one day..but it really depends on ur master, if u r lucky enough then ur master wouldn't care if u gonna to replace it or not..

utk raya thn ni jugak 1st time kitaorg jemput sedara mara dtg umah utk mkn2 time raya Qurban..not that before this we never invited them to come BUT this time, the invitations were made specially on raya Qurban. plus, previous years we went back to our kampung. so, kitaorg xyah la jemput bagai n make preparation yg sungguh-sungguh coz we have makcik-pakcik-to do-that-on-behalf-of-us..haha..we just help them ;)

since, we mentioned specifically to come after zohor, in which they abide by to the 'curfew'..haha..better they did or they will return without having any food..hehe and their stomach will start sing a song, or even worst faint perhaps *what a hiperbola heh!!*

the menu were nasi daging,dalca, air asam (the belacan thingy plus some tomatoes,shallops,salt n some chillied of course err a lot actually including cili padi), papadom..hmm what else..forgot already..for drink is sunquick tropika..*by now, u should wipe ur saliva* haha

the most interesting part was when all the guests came at the right time. I mean my house cannot cater so much people in one time. otherwise ur butt will bam bam others..teehee~~ ;)

it's like after 1 family done having their meals, then straight away other family arrived and the so called  'chemistry-system'  went on and on. then we thought wahh they-so-pandai to 'arrange' themselves to arrive at the right time. so, they dont have like to berebut-rebut in order to take the food and we made a conclusion that they may have a chemistry between them *is that possible??* or they might have bluetooth signal among them Lol~

in a nutshell, *wahhh ,mcm buat essay time exam plak* it was fun to meet all of them in which make us closer..after all, that is the wisdom behind the ziarah menziarahi activity, rite??

ok till then..tata

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


my heart is crying right now...upset with myself...:(...really2 upset...

Friday, October 15, 2010


hmmm..let me begin this entry with my ethic course which had been held on oct 13 n d exam on the 14.
overall it is a good course though it's damnnnnnnnnnnn boring..feel like falling asleep throughout the course..haha what a pity speaker..*not really the speaker actually coz the one who will be seating for the exam is me!!!!haha* so, instead of pity to the speaker, it should what a pity chambie student..haha

but there were few session which successfully keep me awaken..congratulations to that speaker!! is it relevant?????

one more thing there was one speaker who never fails to advise us or her tagline maybe *teehee*.."punctuality is a virtue". well, it's reaaaaaaaalllllllllly true, but then she is the one who cakap x serupa bikin..haiyoh...the course supposed to finish at 4. Unfortunately, since all the speakers love to speak (that's y they are called as a speaker..Lol), jadinya waktu yg ditetapkan telah tidak dipatuhi oleh mereka..haha...*ayat apakah???* we thought, if she wants to drag the time it would not be so long but it doesnt happen...what a poor student..*sigh*..almost hmm bkn almost mmg sejam kitaorg terlambat dr jadual, the course is in kl.specifically tgh2 kl..dkt dgn bangunan sultan abdul samad. so,bayangkanlah kena berebut nak balik s.alam dgn workers lain...alahai...sadis btl...but i'm lucky enough that the traffic was not really bad..still ok..

the very next day is my exam...haha...i'm not doing my revision at all. what a gud chambie heh...i dont know, tp sy mengalami tahap kemalasan yg sgt melampau yg tiada siapa boleh berbuat apa2 kpd ending up, menjawab exam itu dgn hampeh...seriously, i'm just answering the question very general..not answering actually,just wrote down anything that i think is logic to that question..what making it worst is that, if one part fail, it means u fail 4 d whole exam..*sigh*. now, i'm in danger zone...let us pray that i can pass the exam..just pass on the border line..hihi..please, please please tlg doakan saya!!! ;)

ok let stop before i'm talking rubbish..daaa~~~

Friday, August 20, 2010


it has been bout 1n half months i've worked or chambering but i still like malu2 wif d staff *sigh*..donno la...may be i'm being just too shy, sgt2 diam n sgt2 xperamah..haish..xtau la mcm xreti nak sembang2 (the fact is i'm talkative u know but not wif all people la) tp dgn org yg rapat being talkative like celik je mata n keep talking until i close my eyes..haaa mcm tu la perumpamaanya..

huh sgt la bosan disini...despite doing my works,most of my time would beeee facebooking.......yaa, i know it's not proper to facebooking when u r in d ofis but then again, i've no friends to chit chat bla, facebooking is one of my ways to keep me awake at the pity right, no?? :(

ok that's all 4 now...daa~~

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

cHambering oh chambering

yeah!! this is what i am currently doing...chambering or pelatih dalam kamar...
almost a month but it seems difficult to adapt with my surrounding..dunno what's wrong but most probably it is because of me myself...huhu

ntah la rasa cam malu pon ada nak wat ramah tamah ngan staff kat sini tp yg lebihnya xtau nak bercampur dgn diorang..sbb umo ke??hik, i'm the youngest here..hehe *muda pon xla muda sgt tp diri ku muda la disini if compared with others...weeeee *terperasan sekejap*

so far,keje ok la...boleh catch up lg coz mcm,mcm ape ye???not really complicated ade la termalu here n there..1st time kat court, malu dpn penolong kanan pendaftar (pkp) coz at first i dun expect to get into his room but it turn that the lawyer asked me to get in...haiyoh!!! xkan xmasuk pulak ketuk pintu then masuk, that PKP mcm terkezut..mesti dlm kepala *sape bdk sengal ni??brani masuk bilik aku xpki kot* i just ignored him n the lawyer introduce me as a chambering student..phewww...pasni sumpah malu nk jmpa dia, bad impression kot...

yg terbaru jmpa pegawai kat land office.lwyer yg suruh aku pegi tu ckp mcm bnda tu simple gila..juz give him d document n juz jot down everything he,i thought it was that, dgn confiedentnya pegi la *konfiden ke??* skali hamik ko!!dia tnya psl client..i have no idea at all even aku nak tau.dah lawyer tu suruh pegi,aku ikut je nak tau client pon kena xde ckp ape2 pon..huhu..malau if aku x buat ape2 homework..haish malu2...

ok that's all 4 now...weeeee

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

no Title

ok...yes i know, dlu beriya2 sgt nak aktif berblogging tp apa dh jadi dgn janji manismu???hampeh pon tarak... week i'll be starting my chambering,my next phase of my x caye pon ade coz rase mcm baru je gi msk university smalam kan...ok ok tipu2 je...*dah 6 thn ko dlm uia tu tau* wat2 lupa plak...

apa ya sy nak taip???td mcm2 je ade dlm pale ni, tiba2 hilang suma berterbangan bersama angin lalu..hehe
actually nervous sbnarnya nak start chambering next week...coz x tau ape yg diorang expect from me...mnta2 la they dont put high expectation me coz me afraid will dissapoint them.,,*ape pnya negatif la pemikiran ko* but seriously i can't help it!!! inilah aku...haha..

ok drpd aku trs membebel x tentu hala, meh aku share ngn korang sumthin'. at least ade gak faedah yg korang dpt bila membaca blog ni kan ..kan??korang mesti tertanya2 apa tu chambering kan??ok, bg sesapa yg tau apa itu chambering sila abaikan explaination dibawah bg yg berminat nak tau je...

chambering klu ditranslatekan, ianya membawa makna latihan dalam kamar...ok apakebendapulak kan latihan dlm kamar tuh???ok2 nak bg tau la ni...

hmmm, cmner eh nak start...ok, klu doktor kan,before diorang leh praktis as a valid dr diorang kena buat housemanship dlu kan???dlm 2 thn klu xslh...ape functionnya??tujuannya ialah utk melatih para2 dr ini atau dgn kata lain menyiapkan para dr ni dgn latihan yg secukupnya b4 diorang dpt license nak praktis sbg dr yg bertauliah...yelah, kang mati pulak org kan??sape nak jawab???so, chambering lebih kurang mcm housemanship para dr ni lah, cumanya period latihan tu kurang lah sket iaitu 9 bln...within dia period kita org akn dilatih untuk menjadi lawyer or loyar...haha...kita org akn dipantau oleh seorang master. klu fulfill suma qualification yg dh ditetapkan bau dpt license nak praktis...baru dpt appear in court...haaa dah fhm??? korng ni kena bg cth pasal dr baru fhm...sbb ape???sbb time kecik2 dlu suma berangan nak jadik apa jadik dgn cita2 itu??bg yg betul2 jd dr tu tahniah la yg x jdik tu xpe la...usaha lagi..*yeay usaha tangga kejayaan..tetiba kan*...xpe2 korang jd la dr utk fmly korang shj...hahah...annoying kan..

ok i think better stop rite now b4 membebel ntah hape2 lagi kan...okies dats all 4 now

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

yEayyy!! but still risau..

yeay...tahniah kpd diri sendiri krn mengupdate-kan blog yg tlh lama ditinggalkan..almost 3 months, i think...
balik rumah time weekend...xsempat and malas nak update sebenarnya..

so, since skrang officially graduate, hopefully rajin la update blog ini, tho x de org :P

igtkan best bila dah abis study, bkn x best (mesti la best coz skrang bila org tnya, bleh la jwb dah ais..klu dulu x larat nak menepis coz lama sgt..haha) tp risau la plak xde org nak amik keje kan..kan??dah la pointer tidak ade sayap berkaler2 macam org lain..haish...risaunyer la...

as for now, juz nak continue with my chambering for 9 months, starting mid June or July..insyaAllah..then baru nak kena apply keje lain...harap2 sumanya dipermudahkan...amin!!(tlg amin kan skali ye...bleh dapat pahala skali..hehe) i'm still worried that no one will employed me as their employee since my pointer sgt sadis :(

korang xde keje kosong ke utk haku??hehe..klu ade sila2 la khabarkan..xsalah kan share, nnt korang gak dpt pahala..sharing is caring meh...

while waiting for my chambering to start, duk kat umah je and sometimes kuar dgn family...risau jugak duk kat rumah..kenapa??

kerana sy tidak bergerak aktif tapi still menyumbat makanan kan??then what wud be the result?? pikirlah sendiri..hehe

mid May ni insyaAllah my family and I will be performing umrah (harap2 xde aral melintang and everything dipermudahkan..amin!!(tlg amin kan lagi...tlg..tlg). so, ade la wat preparation skit2..not only buying goods but also reading any relevant books which might help us there...cuak jugak sebenarnya coz byk kekhilafan dlm diri ini...

so, that's all 4 now..dAaaa~~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

why i like it longer??

The main reason is that i really love to take pictures, and i really need a personal camera (recently, took pictures with my dad's camera). Since, i'm a student, i can't afford to buy one. So, i decided once i'm graduated soon, i want to buy a camera (provided my income is stable enough). I'm really cam-whoring person sampaikan semua handphone adik beradik ada gambar saya..haha which is really annoying. But i don't care..haha. I really need a camera..please!! My handphone can't do this. Why???????

Because my handphone is really outdated until one of my friends asked me "tak nak beli handphone baru ke??" sambil membelek-belek handphone saya. The way she asked quite berhemah la because she's using nice words. But i got the message..( saje je, kadang-kadang buat- buat tak faham).

The pictures taken were not clear. Bukan setakat tak clear, kadang- kadang tak tau pon gambar apa yang diambil..hehe. Before this, nak ambil gambar pon macam inferior je coz it seems useless to take pictures with my handphone.

Yeah i know that my handphone which i'm currently using it, is really really outdated. No one is using it now. Even dulu pernah jugak tengok kawan-kawan pakai model yang sama, tapi semua pon dah tukar...haha... mesti korang tertanya-tanya why is it outdated???(create topik baru la pulak)

It is because my dad gave it to me 4 years back. Yes, i repeat 4 years ago, not 4 months not 4 days and not 4 hours ago. Even if i want to trade in, i believe no one would interested to buy it. Budak kecik pon confirm tak nak or even tak pandang pon(budak- budak sekarang lagi 'in' daripada saya)...maybe budak tu cakap "baling dekat kambing pon mati". Klu tak pon dia cakap "hek eleh, ketinggalan betul akak or auntie nih, orang dah tak pakai dah model handphone nih"

Fyi, i'm not a type who change a handphone twice a year or not even once a year. I'm only using a handphone which my father gave it to me.

Honestly, if i have to make a choice between a handphone or a camera. I would go for a camera.

But, dengan adanya peraduan ni, i think why not give it a try??? Instead of buying a camera and a handphone which requires more budgets, then it is better for me to have this gadget which have both functions. If i'm lucky enough i can get a camera together with a NEW HANDPHONE. Ape orang putih cakap?? killing 2 birds with 1 stone. So, dapat la gantikan telefon lama saya tu, lepas ni takde la orang duk mengata dekat handphone saya (cakap la ape pon, saya sayang jugak telefon lama tu)

Dengan adanya handphone yang PANGJANG lagi CANTIK ini, saya dapat melihat gambar saya dari telefon tanpa perlu membesarkan imej tersebut yang mana saya selalu melakukannya didalam handphone orang lain atau kamera orang lain. Sebab kalau saya zoom, makanya saya terpaksa menekan butang ke kiri atau ke kanan untuk melihat gambar tersebut dengan LEBIH JELAS yang mana saya percaya saya tidak perlu melakukannya jika saya menggunakan telefon LG CHOCOLATE-BL 40. The screen is wide and longer enough for me. Then, bukan ke salah satu keistimewaan handphone ini adalah keupayaannya untuk mengambil gambar atau video dengan sangat jelas??kata 5 megapixel kan. So, dapatlah saya ambil gambar sesuka hati dan sebanyak mana yang saya suka one will stop me!!..haha...

Besides of taking pictures,why do i like it longer?? It is bacause i love the designs which is sleek and clean. Saya tak suka handphone yang besar gedabak untuk dimasukkan kedalam handbag. Sebab bila dah masuk handbag of course la, bercampur dengan segala barangan yang lain kan?? orang laki kan cakap handbag perempuan macam 'tong sampah' sebab sumbat macam-macam. Thus, one of the features that i must give a credit is that scratchproof. Perlu sangat sangat features ni untuk orang yang ganas atau kurang cermat dalam bahasa berhemahnya.

Selain itu seiring dengan saya yang dah nak habis belajar dan seterusnya memasuki alam pekerjaan, saya memerlukan telefon yang pelbagai fungsi untuk memenuhi tuntutan pekerjaan. (wah,ayat tak bleh lagi skema..). Lepas tu, saya kan dah nak habis blajar, so i'm intending to take sweet moments with my friends. Saya tak nak that moments hilang macam tu je. Even if i want to further my study but it won't be the same because this is my first degree. Jadi, bukankah ini menyulitkan bagi saya jika perlu berkongsi kamera dengan family while i'm in the campus.

Sekian terima kasih. Diharap persoalan "Why i like it longer"?? terjawab dengan karangan panjang lebar diatas

Friday, January 1, 2010

so long..

woh long time seh x post entry sejak2 masuk skolah 4 new sem nih...huhu...
dekat sebulan gak..mmg ade sumthing nak post tp x sempat..but never mind..maybe bext time tho crita tersebut dah basi...for the time being malas lagi nak update..orait c yaa

oh ye...happy new year to all of u..thank u for reading my blog..(adakah??) gud luck n all d best!!
may your dreams come become reality!!