dalam byk2 keja(keja dkt ofis la, bkn keja umah), sy plg x suka bila kena suruh follow up files..kena call pejabat tanah la, bank la or arrange appointment utk signing.sebab???
1. nak dpt line punya la ssh
2. klu dah dpt, xde org angkat.
3. dah ade org angkat, lps follow up, sorang ckp lain, then org lain ckp lain (faham x??)ntah sy pon x fhm..otak serabut..
4. pastu kena follow up berkali2..bknnya skali call bleh settle..
on top of that, mmg slh dri sendri jugak la..just so you know, i'm new in this field..during my chambering period, i've no exposure at all in conveyancing.thus, veryyyyyyy unfamiliar with all the terms..so, maybe kat situ ade miscommunication..huh!!
so the end result is kena 'marah' dgn bos coz xdpt ape yg dia nak..haila....
lg satu problemnya ialah, telefon sy rosak... ganggang telefonnya xde..so, SANGATTTTTTTTTTT susah nak call org..kena pinjam telefon org lain..mcm dah xde keje lain dah..dok p mai p mai meja org, nak call org..tuannya pon nak guna..*sigh*
ok tu saja luahan hati utk hari ni..
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
actually arini baru je igt nak buat x baik..apppoinment pkl 10am.so, igt nak pegi trs n xnak msk ofis dulu coz mcm patah balik..s.alam to klang and then x sampai sejam patah balik to s.alam..
tapi ntah mcm mn, woke up this morning, xjd dgn plan smalam..still pegi ofis n i parked my car as usual..dah lintas jln baru prasan ofismate suma ada kat bawah2 rmi2.then tgk ofis x buka lg..mcm heran la jugak n plg penting kreta big boss pon xde..slalunya dia dh smpi..
skali tgk kedai sebelah ofis dililitkan dgn ape ye nama bnda lah tu??ala, klu tmpt kejadian polis ade letakkan yg kaler merah n putih tu..tp yg ni kaler kuning n ade tulis "dilarang melintas" pastu ade tulis kawasan bomba kot...
dalam hati "yeayy!!!cutiiiii"..behrangannnn la kan..haha
so, pasang telinga la skit..rupanya ada kebakaran at kedai tu..n effect to that pintu ofis x leh bukak coz ada pasang mcm alarm tu..*xtau nama apa jugak*..so, tercongok la kat dpn ofis tu ramai2..bout half an hour jugak.so trs gerak g signing je lah..dah la makin panas..fortunately, dah bawa fail utk signing,which is abnormal to me..slalunya x bawa coz mmg akn msk ofis dulu..
ok done with the signing..
balik ofis, msk bilik then tgk ada habuk2 hitam atas suma bnda...fuhhhhhhhhhhh!! plus ada bau asap kuat gak..ade yg pki face mask..
so, harus la lap dulu kan..tp mcm ssh hilang..mcm melekat je..x suka..abis hitam suma bnda..haish..tp nak wat cmne..lap je lah skit2 dlu...
ok tu jelah nak bebel utk arini...motif???saja suka2..*winK*
tapi ntah mcm mn, woke up this morning, xjd dgn plan smalam..still pegi ofis n i parked my car as usual..dah lintas jln baru prasan ofismate suma ada kat bawah2 rmi2.then tgk ofis x buka lg..mcm heran la jugak n plg penting kreta big boss pon xde..slalunya dia dh smpi..
skali tgk kedai sebelah ofis dililitkan dgn ape ye nama bnda lah tu??ala, klu tmpt kejadian polis ade letakkan yg kaler merah n putih tu..tp yg ni kaler kuning n ade tulis "dilarang melintas" pastu ade tulis kawasan bomba kot...
dalam hati "yeayy!!!cutiiiii"..behrangannnn la kan..haha
so, pasang telinga la skit..rupanya ada kebakaran at kedai tu..n effect to that pintu ofis x leh bukak coz ada pasang mcm alarm tu..*xtau nama apa jugak*..so, tercongok la kat dpn ofis tu ramai2..bout half an hour jugak.so trs gerak g signing je lah..dah la makin panas..fortunately, dah bawa fail utk signing,which is abnormal to me..slalunya x bawa coz mmg akn msk ofis dulu..
ok done with the signing..
balik ofis, msk bilik then tgk ada habuk2 hitam atas suma bnda...fuhhhhhhhhhhh!! plus ada bau asap kuat gak..ade yg pki face mask..
so, harus la lap dulu kan..tp mcm ssh hilang..mcm melekat je..x suka..abis hitam suma bnda..haish..tp nak wat cmne..lap je lah skit2 dlu...
ok tu jelah nak bebel utk arini...motif???saja suka2..*winK*
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
yeah i know..over ok nak gmbrkan 1 bnda je tp guna lain2 perkataan..the main thing is that i'm surprised and upset and frustrated *over lagi!!* with this news. knew it from my colleague coz i left my handphone in my room.so, i cant picked up the phone.
suspen x nak tahu ape bndanya? * kamu yg dah tahu mestila tidak kan??* (over expression lagik..pftttt)
apa yg delay??apa yg postpone??apa yg adjourn??apa yg tangguh??
ni nak bg tau la ni..
pssst yg ni x perlu drumrolls ye coz x gempak pon...
actually..hmm actually my long call yg kena delayed, kena postponed, kena adjourned, kena tangguh to the end of this month..haha yes, u can laugh at me..so, there u are.. it's my long call day yg kena adjourned. supposedly it will be held on 10th of June. tgh sedih sebenarnya..tp tgh menerima kenyataan bahawa kita hanya merancang tp Allah yang menentukan..after all, He's the one knows the best 4 us..it has a silver lining behind every thing happened. maybe we cant see or feel right there n then.so, me myself shud just accept it lah *bukan over x tentu psl..heee*.
maybe korang tertanya2 (mcm ada org nak amik tau) apsal over sgt??kena postponed je pon, bknnya cancel or batal or apa2 yg seangkatan dengannya..ok let me explain a bit n indirectly give u general knowledge *for those who are not interested, just skip this paragraph..ONLY this paragraph je :P* ok the so-called long call day is where, after you have completed 9 months chambering, so your petition will be heard in the court in order for u to be admitted as an advocate & solicitors.so, for me it's more or less like my second graduation..at least for me laa. even if u have completed chambering but u are not called to the bar, u are not an advocates & solicitors. thus, u cannot appear before the court. not only that, u dont have the right to sign important document..hope this will answer your question(s). i think that's enough for your general knowledge. oh yee dlm bahasa mudahnya advocate & solicitor itu adalah lawyer ye..
ok2 berbalik kpd topik asal..benda tu xleh nak ubah dah, my fren dah tnya that staff . she said the judge is on leave. so, yeah he or she has affected few number of people's plan..dah klu dia xdak, sapa nak dengar sy, dia dan kamu-kamu punya permohonan??haha..xpe la, bkn trs x long call pon cumanya ditangguhkan je...
harus inform sy punya fmly n my big boss..
ok til then tata..daaa~~
Monday, May 30, 2011
bila mataku mengantuk!!
heee..sebenarnya sekarang teramatlah MENGANTUKNYA...tp kannnn, sy di ofis.makanya sy x boleh tido..oleh itu, kwn sy * yes u are!!* meng-suggestkan utk mengupdate blog utk mengurangkan kemengantukan ini..dia ckp sy byk benda nak di blog kan..yeke???maka sy update psl kemengantukan melampau..keje ada la skit2..since last week volume keje mcm kurang tp byk kena call org yg mn sy SGT LA X SUKA..
pastu lately nih mcm x cukup rest je..weekend pon seghope je mcm weekdays..haaa mesti tertanya2 y buat apa??dah 3 sabtu berturut sy bekerja *ngada kan??org lain rmi je keje ari sabtu* haa sbb tu la sy ckp x ckup rest sbb slalunya sy x bekerja di hari sabtu..pastu mlm plak aktiviti bersama kluarga.hari ahad pon lebih kurang je aktivitinya.klu x kuar dgn fmly, mesti ada je bnda lain..mcm 4 dis week 1 of my childhood frens was engaged..hepy 4 her..mcm xpercaya je it has been 13 years back we've known each other.though the frenship is not close as before but it's not n excuse to update each other..jadi konklusinya, sy kurang istirehat sdikit kebelakangan ini..
lagi ape ye???owh sy ada bg tau x yg sy dah habis chambering n my long call will be on 10th June ni which is next Friday..heee excited, padahal org lain dah lama long call but nevermind..still my day whatt ;)
esk ptg at 5pm, there will be a briefing for that day..yeay!!!boleh kluar awal but need to ask 4 permission 1st..jap lagi la minta, lagipon big boss xde skrang..hehe..
eh ok2..panjang la plak melalut kan...orite till then tata n daaa~~
pastu lately nih mcm x cukup rest je..weekend pon seghope je mcm weekdays..haaa mesti tertanya2 y buat apa??dah 3 sabtu berturut sy bekerja *ngada kan??org lain rmi je keje ari sabtu* haa sbb tu la sy ckp x ckup rest sbb slalunya sy x bekerja di hari sabtu..pastu mlm plak aktiviti bersama kluarga.hari ahad pon lebih kurang je aktivitinya.klu x kuar dgn fmly, mesti ada je bnda lain..mcm 4 dis week 1 of my childhood frens was engaged..hepy 4 her..mcm xpercaya je it has been 13 years back we've known each other.though the frenship is not close as before but it's not n excuse to update each other..jadi konklusinya, sy kurang istirehat sdikit kebelakangan ini..
lagi ape ye???owh sy ada bg tau x yg sy dah habis chambering n my long call will be on 10th June ni which is next Friday..heee excited, padahal org lain dah lama long call but nevermind..still my day whatt ;)
esk ptg at 5pm, there will be a briefing for that day..yeay!!!boleh kluar awal but need to ask 4 permission 1st..jap lagi la minta, lagipon big boss xde skrang..hehe..
eh ok2..panjang la plak melalut kan...orite till then tata n daaa~~
Friday, April 15, 2011
haha..juz now met one of my collegues n she told me that i havent updated my blog for soooo longgggggggg..hihi...
well, u know. there's too much i want to blog but end up no entry at all *loser*
to D *yes u*, sy nak jugak gmbr tu..hehe..nnt sy update utk naikkan blog sy 'keatas' balik..*dia je yg faham*..hihi..
well, u know. there's too much i want to blog but end up no entry at all *loser*
to D *yes u*, sy nak jugak gmbr tu..hehe..nnt sy update utk naikkan blog sy 'keatas' balik..*dia je yg faham*..hihi..
Saturday, February 26, 2011
ku Seru!!!!
heeeee tajuk x leh blah kan???
akhirnya setelah KU SERU sekian lama, ianya datang jugak..hehe..apa kebendanya??tut turut turut turut tutt tutt *sila baca ikut nada cite kartun ape ntah*
apa yg ko seru ni heh???gila annoyingkan??
ok ok, seru apanya lg, mood nak berblogging la..haha..cehhh ingat apa la td,ade yg cuak ke??haha..:P
setelah kuperam2 tp x masak2 jugak..akhirnya setelah hampir sebulan lebih, aku kemas la jugak 'buku' ni kan.
am counting the days actually am really looking forward to finish my chambering..hmm, but then lps habis doesnt mean u can enjoy. in fact, my responsibility wud be bigger than now.*tersentap kejap when one of my friends remind bout this ie my responsibility wud be heavier, tougher n sewaktu dengannya* otak fikir nak habis je..haha
ye la, u owe a duty(duties to be more accurate) towards ur client. one small mistake wud render u to negligence..hwaa *mintak simpang la*
ok, enough about my boring daily live. let's move to my holiday..
my first trip was on 11 december last year (wo wo, dengar mcm lama je..tp baru je 2 bln lps) haha ok la, baru nak update cite 2 bln lps..kan..kan?? sebenarnya, ni bkn holiday sgt pon..smpi 11/12 in the morning then heading back to s.alam on the next day tp flight malam la..eh eh baru perasan, lom gitau i pegi mana..haha
ok, i pegi kota kinabalu to attend my fren's wedding on the 12/12 tu..so, it's like killing two birds with one stone la.though it's very very short but it's enough for me..why so short eh??coz coz i've booked this ticket very early in order to get the promotion and on top of that, i baru je start chambering..so, x brani lagi nak mnta cuti bagai..skrang dah terjawab persoalan kenapa n mengapa 'percutian' ini sgt singkat. *apsal ko beriya explain nih??mcm org nak tau*
since it was a very short holiday.so, kitaorg pon x buang masa la.smpi kat sana adik kpd pengantin yg amik terus pegi rumah diorang sbb bilik yg dah booked blom kosong.hotel budget je ye coz elaun pon ciput, pastu harusla guna duit pa &a ma..tp sgt berpuas hati dn bilik tersebut.lagipon hotel baru..ok la, lgpon utk 1 mlm je kan.
nama hotel tu Aristo.but this hotel not really advisable la. Bkn ape, mmg la murah but then, klu nak keluar ke bandar, sama ada naik bas *yg sebenarnya bkn bas pon, mini van je, tp mmg org sana pggl bas* or teksi.*x advice jugak naik bas tu klu 1st time pegi..hehe*. kitaorg naik teksi, so kos nak keluar ke bandar je rm20-rm25, hamekkk ko.punya la nak jimat kan??at last, bayar duit transportation pon hangus duit..banyak gak la abis duit kat transport cuma nsb baik dibahagikan kpd 3 org..walla..haha
back to main story ok??lepas cek-in, adik pengantin bermurah hati utk tggu kitaorg n trs hntr pegi pasar filipin.ni wajib ye utk korang pegi klu singgah ke sabah.kat sini macam2 korang leh dpt.tp korang kena pandai bargain la..jap jap baru nak cari gambar LOL~
taraaa!! dah sampai
muka girang konon2 dah dpt brg yg dihajati tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii x sebenarnya. only realize once arrived at
1 Borneo
my fren's sister, nama dia amirah *xsedar lg time ni yg dri sendri xbeli ape2*
*peace* ni pemandangan dari luar ye :)
diorang saje2 je belek sharks fin nih.. cer korang teka brapa rege dia???hah, nak tau?? baca smpi habis, ok?? *ni paksa dlm rela, boleh??
melintasi jalan2 dan lorong2 di KK *feeling tourist kejap* haha..
used to live here for a while *kira mcm mengimbas balik memori lama..dang!!*
bila perangai obsesi mengambil gambar 'merasuk' * sila abaikan background tersebut* dalam erti kata lain jangan pandang belakang..muahaha
time ni kontrol lagik *kononyalah*
hamikkk ko, muka excited xleh blah..kah kah..jarang kot nak naik bas, skali g sabah naik bas *tepuk tgn kat diri sendiri sambil tepuk bahu*
actually, bkn x naik bas, tp jarang. prefer naik lrt, komuter camtu..haha. xtau nape klu naik bas rase insecure..naik lrt bleh plak kan?? pelik x??
jap2, naik bas ni nak g mn eh??haha malas nak smbung cita skrang, to be continued in next entry lah..:P
mood yang diseru sekian lama tetiba hilang..macam witch lantingkan kayu saktinya kepada haku..haha * sila imagine skrang!!* tinggg!!!mood ku hilang..
psst psst..btw, price for the sharks fin klu xslh la ingatan daku around RM4000 or RM6000 yang dipegang oleh kawan sy tu tau..yg lain xtau..maybe bleh bargain tp xbrani kot nak bargain coz sedar diri if bargain pon still x mampu beli..sekian~~
Monday, February 21, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
hohoho..cita ni dah basi sgt sebenarnya tp nak cita gak.haha
b4 this, tau psl ni through phone je so x brani nak kecoh2.haha intro ntah hape2.nevermind..but now i can annouce it out loud*poyos, mcm org nak dengar je kan*..igt x i penah gitau i have to seat for an exam in order to be an advocate n solicitor??klu x igt xpe..no offense at all..
*drumrolls please!!*
yeay..i've passed the exam..teehee~~
i've received the certificate..shud i frame it??LOL
degree pon i x frame kan..haha
but then, passing this exam, i'm feeling so grateful..not that passing other exams not grateful but then.. passing this exam have different feeling if compared to others.woh ape yg melalut bagai ni..ckup la ko ckp pas exam ni..org lain pas exam pon x annouce kat blog..muahaha..
plan nak update holiday baru2 ni *baru ke??bkn dah dkt sebulan ke??* tp tggu angin rajin dtg jap sbb memerlukan kesabaran nak pilih gambar n upload..haha..
ok till then, tata~~
Saturday, January 1, 2011
selamat datang 2011!!
eceh saje je..org slalu wish hepy new year n slamat thn baru..saje bg lain skit..hehe :p *apsal mcm poyo?*
wish all of u hepy new year n may ur all wishes come true n turn into reality. smg apa yg dihajati tercapai n ape2 azam thn lepas yg belum tercapai, smg tercapailah hendaknya pd thn ini..haha *ayat skema*
ok till then..tata~~
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