Tuesday, July 7, 2009


pernahkah anda didenda di atas kesalahahn yg anda x lakukan??
huh!!that's wut happen to me...

senget btul la hostel's management nih... actually i dh apply 4 leaving off campus during my attachment which had been approved. meaning to say that i dont need to register 4 hostel during d short sem..suddenly, i've been compound 4 sumthin that i've never done (which is register for the hostel)...adilkah?? or this is how the hostel get the money??
i know that we can appeal but then we still have to pay for the compound, plg skit pon rm10.(ni baru i sorang n bear in ur mind that i'm not d only one who face this problem, they are a lot out there)
fikirlah sendiri dh brapa diorang dpt duit...cmpur lagi dgn brapa sem lagi ntah.
actually nk kata marah sgt 2 xla, but it's not fair 4 us especially org yg ssh..
klu diorng nk i g register gak, kira ok la coz duk kat shah alam,bleh dipertimbangkan laa..but how about orang yg duk kat sabah sarawak, xyah g jauh la...org yg duk kat klantan ke terengganu ke it will still burden d students juz 4 this matter.

somehow,i terfikir la mn application yg kitaorg buat 2...ssh je buat...klu dh tau cmni baik xyah buat.org yg jauh2 siap suruh emel kan lagi ic parents,permission letter(as required by d management) then submit it but still kena fine..nape eh?salah sape? diorng x wat keje or wut.

huh..ntah la...saje nk membebel kat sini coz x kan nak g marah org lain lak...hmm...mcm dh cool skit...dat's all 4 now

1 comment:

Whatever said...

weh..sia2 i fwd surat tu kan. bak mai no tel depa nak marah nih!