Friday, August 20, 2010


it has been bout 1n half months i've worked or chambering but i still like malu2 wif d staff *sigh*..donno la...may be i'm being just too shy, sgt2 diam n sgt2 xperamah..haish..xtau la mcm xreti nak sembang2 (the fact is i'm talkative u know but not wif all people la) tp dgn org yg rapat being talkative like celik je mata n keep talking until i close my eyes..haaa mcm tu la perumpamaanya..

huh sgt la bosan disini...despite doing my works,most of my time would beeee facebooking.......yaa, i know it's not proper to facebooking when u r in d ofis but then again, i've no friends to chit chat bla, facebooking is one of my ways to keep me awake at the pity right, no?? :(

ok that's all 4 now...daa~~

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