Hmmm...shud i call it vacation???or a trip??lagi la bukan...huhu.. ini kerana ianya(merujuk kpd percutian itu..haha..perlukah??) hanya mengambil masa satu malam shj... The actual plan was, we want to celebrate the Hari Raya at JB and perform the prayer at Sultan Abu Bakar mosque but kita hanya merancang tapi Allah yang menentukan..rite?? Meaning to say that, we celebrated Hari Raya there and have fun there with the whole family for two nights but it turn out we only spend one nite only at JB but nevermind maybe next time. That's y i donno whether to call it a vacation, a trip, or a holiday or whatever which may suit to the situation...muahaha..any suggestion???
Since the rest of us need to look after of my mother n brother who were admitted due to dengue fever so, my eldest sister n i accompanied our father to attend a meeting at JB. Bertolak dr rumah pukul 3.15 n arrived at destination at 7.30. The next day bertolak pulang time yg sama that is 3.15 tapi sampai awl skit coz on the way nak pergi Johor Bahru , we were stucked in traffic jam. Overall, it was a nice trip tho..hehe (of course la coz g jln tp klu dpt g suma, lagi happening)
Here are the pictures that that i've taken..hehe..x semua la..ade yg my sister amikkan
Lepas dah check-in n refresh body dgn memanjakan dgn pancuran air,siap2 nak g dinner. Then, after dinner sampai je kat hotel, kelihatan sungguh banyak kenderaan beroda iaitu kereta. Yang menarik perhatian kitaorg sgt, rupa-rupanya kereta-kereta tersebut adalah 'rombongan' Raja Mahkota Johor(RMJ). Have no idea what he has been doing there but my father said that he saw RMJ with a girl, might be his gf...i said maybe..maybe..not a fact..haha. so, alang2 dah kat situ sempat la snap a few pictures. though this picture quite blurr but nevermind..nak letak jugak..haha. This is the best picture that my sister took for this.
The next day we had a breakfast. Only my sister n me coz my father had breakfast with his friends and went straight for the meeting.
pesanan dari penaja; sila jangan termuntah ye melihat gambar2 ini.klu termuntah......sila makan ubat n sambung tgk lagi..haha.huh penat seh 'mengupload' gambar2 nih n edit segala bagai..huhu..
sejenak terfikir:kagum dengan bloggers tegar yg rajin mengupload gambar n post entry tiap-tiap hari..x penatke??yang baru start nak berjinak-jinak berblogging ni pon rasa cam..huh!!penat gilas...x abih-abih ngan gilas dia.
isi muatan apa yg b'terabur kt ats highway 2??
2la psal klu pi rmai2 lg's okay..mayb nxt tme..kn2????
tau xpa...
sye yg xbuat blog pun tgk org yg ada blog mengupdate everyday pon pnat...lg2 org yg ada blog kn...
adik: x sure apa yg jatuh,tgk sekilas je..hehe..insyaallah next mmg penat tp nak wat gak
adik best ke bet??huhuhuh...:))
yang ni suppose kita panggil overnight...huhuh....:)
hello awek.. muhahaha :))
nnt kita p jaybee lagi.. nk minum ayaq gooooblokk.. hahaha..
erm, hotel mana ye? ke saya tak prasan awak dah mention kat atas?
to asmahani : hotel thistle kat JB..sorry xde mention tapi ade kat dlm slh satu pic
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