Monday, May 30, 2011

bila mataku mengantuk!!

heee..sebenarnya sekarang teramatlah kannnn, sy di ofis.makanya sy x boleh tido..oleh itu, kwn sy * yes u are!!* meng-suggestkan utk mengupdate blog utk mengurangkan kemengantukan ini..dia ckp sy byk benda nak di blog kan..yeke???maka sy update psl kemengantukan melampau..keje ada la skit2..since last week volume keje mcm kurang tp byk kena call org yg mn sy SGT LA X SUKA..

pastu lately nih mcm x cukup rest je..weekend pon seghope je mcm weekdays..haaa mesti tertanya2 y buat apa??dah 3 sabtu berturut sy bekerja *ngada kan??org lain rmi je keje ari sabtu* haa sbb tu la sy ckp x ckup rest sbb slalunya sy x bekerja di hari sabtu..pastu mlm plak aktiviti bersama kluarga.hari ahad pon lebih kurang je aktivitinya.klu x kuar dgn fmly, mesti ada je bnda lain..mcm 4 dis week 1 of my childhood frens was engaged..hepy 4 her..mcm xpercaya je it has been 13 years back we've known each other.though the frenship is not close as before but it's not n excuse to update each other..jadi konklusinya, sy kurang istirehat sdikit kebelakangan ini..

lagi ape ye???owh sy ada bg tau x yg sy dah habis chambering n my long call will be on 10th June ni which is next Friday..heee excited, padahal org lain dah lama long call but nevermind..still my day  whatt ;)
esk ptg at 5pm, there will be a briefing for that day..yeay!!!boleh kluar awal but need to ask 4 permission 1st..jap lagi la minta, lagipon big boss xde skrang..hehe..

eh ok2..panjang la plak melalut kan...orite till then tata n daaa~~


dyana said...

*hahahaha..lastly la kan..bagus2,ur blog da 1st rate at my blog..hehehe..

*hopefully to see more updatessss..
(hihi, suke bace kengkawan mengomel sebenornye)

@aSnA@ said...

haha byk la ko..arini nak ngomel sbb kena marah..haha